Target skills: vocabulary learning
Authors: Michaela Perlmann-Balme Susanne Schwalb
Publisher: Hueber
Description of SICHER book collection
Sicher books are presented to language learners at four levels and published in three and five volume editions. The levels taught in this series of books are advanced level and include B1+, B2, B2 Current and C1 courses. After completing the training of Menschen books at the A1, A2 and B1 levels, he uses the excellent SICHER books in the field of teaching advanced levels of the German language. Language learners who intend to participate in the Goethe-Zertifikat, ÖSD, TestDaF and other international and domestic tests, this collection is the most suitable book to prepare for participating in the above tests.
Sicher Aktuell B2.1 book with educational CD
The Sicher Aktuell B2.1 book is the second level of the Sicher book series. Buying the new Zeisscher Actual German book will also be of great help to those who are willing to take the Zertifikat Deutsch B2 exams published by Hueber Publishing. The difference between this series of Sicher books and other books is its comprehensiveness. which has fully explained both grammar and vocabulary, and with numerous examples in both sections, it helps to master the subjects more.
User comments about Sicher aktuell B2.1 book
This book is level B2.1 (first part of level B2) and consists of two parts in the same book: first part Kursbuch (with lessons) and second part Arbeitsbuch (with exercises). Everything is contained in one book, there are not two. This is what I wanted so I don’t have to carry two books every time I go to German class. The courses and workbooks are precisely coordinated and thus lead to a thorough knowledge of the German language.
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