Sara Ghanbari
Sara Ghnbari is a general and IELTS teacher.
She was born on February 18, 1986.
She accomplished her studies in general and IELTS course at Kish e Mehr in 2003.
She has studied English translation and successfully graduated from Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin.(2005-2009)
She took TTC and TKT courses at Kish e Mehr institute in 2003 and 2010 respectively.
She has been teaching English since 2004.
She has taught English in various institutes in Qazvin.(Kish e Mehr, Gooyesh, IT, Shokouh)
She has one year experience (2009) as an interpreter at Aria Company ( a Dutch- counseled company) in Iran.
She has written word banks for Top Notch and Summit books. (2nd. and 3rd. editions)